Over 600 million people are routinely and unfairly
red flagged when accessing basic digital services.
We wanted to frame the issue of digital
exclusion in a way that appealed to those who
have the power to fix it – businesses.
So we created a new nation, with it’s
own untapped economy – Greenflag.

We errected a server in international waters,
to build hype around the new nation.
And realeased a video that positioned Greenflag
as an opportunity for economic growth.
A whitepaper unpacked the facts and reframed
the victims of digital exclusion as an untapped
market for businesses around the world.
Better quality varification = access to more
customers = less digital exclusion.

Sumsub’s tools provide a more sophisticated,
human centered approach to online varification,
by reducing geographical and racial bias.
Simply by choosing Sumsub as a varification
partner, businesses are making the digital world
a more accessible place.